Red Deer

Red Deer

Jan 18

Here’s a set of antlers that came in for restoration recently.

These are quite fragile. Both had tines broken and one of the antlers had a nasty compound break at the beam and was missing a lot of the original antler.

Here are some pictures of the antlers and the red deer before the restoration work began:


Here is a picture of the antlers fully restored and ready to be sent back to their owner.

Both had to be a mirror image of each other which added a level of difficulty I hadn’t anticipated.

Here are some pictures the owner graciously sent of the red deer with the fully restored antlers installed.

These came out great, the owner was very happy with the restoration, and I was thrilled to get to see the pictures of the antlers installed.

What a great piece!



May 11

Here’s a nice Parrot figural nutcracker that came in for repairs recently.

This piece had a nasty break at the base and needed an age appropriate refresh on the colors and finish.

Here are some pictures of the piece before the restoration work began:


Here is a picture of the piece in process with all the new wood in place:


Here are some pictures of the piece all done before being shipped back to its owner to be proudly added to his extensive collection:

This was quite a difficult piece to repair due to the complexity of the break at the base.

This one took me 2 or 3 tries to get right. I’m very fortunate to have really good customers who are patient and understanding if a piece is taking a while.

The extra time this one took paid off. The customer was very happy with how great this piece turned out.

—– Brandon

Cat Nutcracker

Cat Nutcracker

Apr 07

Here’s a great cat figural nutcracker we added to our collection recently.

I bought this great piece on Ebay a while ago. It was missing an eye and had some considerable damage on the left side of its face

Here are some pictures of the piece as I received it:

Here are a couple pictures of the piece in process as I was restoring it:

Here are some pictures of it all done and fully restored:

A huge shout out to Megan at Handmade Glass Eyes for carrying high domed cat glass eyes that are an accurate replacement for these pieces.

Trust me, accurate eyes for these vintage pieces are hard to find and Handmade Glass Eyes is my shop’s “go to” for eyes now versus the taxidermy sites I was trying to use in the past where types, styles, and sizes of eyes are very limited. Megan’s site is wonderful and was a great find!

Well that wraps it up. I gave this piece to my wife for her birthday and she was absolutely thrilled with it!

Holy Monk

Holy Monk

Feb 25

The Holy Monk is done!!!!

All the wormholes are gone and the piece has a new darker stain to make the great details on it pop.

Here are some pictures of this great piece fully restored and ready to go back home to its proud owner:

On the Bench

On the Bench

Jan 14

Today I’m working on a Monk that’s full of holes.

They’re wormholes from wood beetles and there’s a LOT!

I counted over 200.

Been snowy here in Ohio so I poured me a “Brandon sized” Old Fashioned, put on some music out in the shop, and worked on this piece for a few hours today.

Here’s a pic of the piece with all the previous filler removed from the holes:

Monk Nutcracker

Here’s a pic of the piece getting ready to have all the holes injected with wood hardener.

This stabilizes the piece and kills any remaining wood beetle eggs.


This is really a great piece and is going to look fantastic once it’s done.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Dec 31

Hope everyone had a great Christmas.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

May it be filled with good fortune and new adventures!



Dec 23


Here’s a great piece that came in needing some chips repaired and the finish refreshed:


Here are a couple pics of the new wood added:

Here are a couple pictures of the piece all fixed and refreshed:

The customer was thrilled with the piece and sent me pics of him all ready for Christmas:

I think snazzing him up for the Holidays is a great idea and might make that a tradition at the shop!



Oct 09


This great piece came in missing most of its left arm.




The collector requested we add a goblet.


Here’s clay mock up that was done for the customer to review and approve:




Here’s the piece done with the repair blended and color matched to the original piece:




The piece really did come out great, looks even better in person, and the customer was thrilled with it.