Disney Inspired Haunted Mansion Prop

Disney Inspired Haunted Mansion Prop

Oct 07

Okay folks,

Anybody who knows me knows I am a Disney nerd and a huge fan of the Haunted Mansion attraction at Disney World in Orlando Florida. So this Halloween I decided to put my Raspberry Pi ($40 computer) and an old Dell 19” monitor to good use and built a Master Gracey changing portrait to hang over my mantle.

My personal overall cost for this project was around $110 and about 3 evenings of work. Your costs and time involved may vary as I already had an old 19” LCD monitor, some plywood cutoffs, and drywall screws in my shop to make the monitor box.  The PDF file at the end of this post is a basic list of what you would need to make this prop. It is not a How To per se because the hard part is building the box to house the monitor and building that is going to depend on the specific size and configuration of your LCD monitor .


Master Gracey



 Changing Portrait Frame Parts List – PDF

UPDATE – This project can now be seen on Make Magazine’s projects page  —  


  1. Andrew

    I love your Master Gracy portrait effect. In the instructions, you mention downloading the video. I don’t see an option to download on the Youtube site. How do we obtain it?

    Thank You,


    • admin

      Hey Andrew,
      I use Firefox for my browser and have the “Video Downloader pure” (version 1.97.7) installed. That then gives you an icon in Firefox (green square with a white down arrow) in the top right that will turn green when you are viewing the video. Click on the icon and it will allow you to download the video in various formats. Download it in the .mp4 format. The Raspberry will play the .mp4 without having to purchase any codecs.

      Hope this helps.


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